
Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Teaching My 1st Nutrition Class!!

Whole Foods 4 Life

Lone Tree Yoga & Fitness has asked me to start teaching nutrition & food classes starting in January at their new facility.  I am very excited for this opportunity and hope that I can share my passion for whole foods with all of you!
Check out the link below for the schedule:
The class will be every Friday in January & February from 10-10:30

This class will be for you if you are looking to understand more about nutrition and why we need more whole foods in our diet.  I will be sharing with you what I have learned over the past couple of years about nutrition and how to apply it reasonably within a family setting.  I am not a registered dietician.  This is not a diet plan, it is just an opportunity for me to share the information on what I have learned that has helped me eat better and have greater vitality in life.  I am very passionate about this and hope to share my enthusiasm with you in a way that will help you want to make the changes necessary for your family to have better health too!

If you're not a member at Lone Tree, the class is still very affordable.  If you would like to come up to Mountain Green and do the exercise class with us from 8:50-9:50, then attend my class at 10, I think that would be a great way to start your year off and every Friday might be your best day of the week!  Just buy a punch pass and register for the class and you're set!


  1. You did great today at LTY! The whole grain pasta salad was very tasty. You made me a believer in millet. Can't wait until next Friday.

  2. You are so sweet! I am glad you enjoyed it. However, I do have to confess that the round grain in there wasn't millet. I am sorry if you misunderstood that. It was a large cous cous. I will try to have a millet dish for you to try soon. You could definitely do that dish with millet if you wanted to. It's a really easy grain to digest and doesn't have a lot of flavor. Thanks for coming to the class. It was nice to meet you! Hope to see you there this week too :)
